Are You Destined For More than 6 or 7-Figures, Gorgeous Woman?
It’s time to claim the true value of your sacred work.

Divine Woman,
I Have A Question For You:
Thinking back to all those people you’ve helped across your career, what has that change been WORTH to them?
Did you help grow their business? Or save it from going under?
Did you help them find love? Or save their marriage?
Did you help them get pregnant? Or heal a broken relationship with their family?
Did you help them discover true vitality or inner peace? Or perhaps help save their life?
What do you think that is WORTH?
What is the worth of changing someone’s life, and helping them become all that they can be?
Some of these things are VIRTUALLY PRICELESS!
And yet, I speak to women day in, day out, who are charging meagre fees per hour for work that is creating incredible value for their clients, over-delivering, running themselves ragged and coming home to STILL run a household and struggle to pay their bills.
If they admit the truth to themselves, their sense of self-worth, security and happiness often teeters on the approval of their family, partner, friends and clients. And as a result, they please, rescue and placate to stay safe.
Divine woman, this simply WILL NOT DO!!!!
I speak to women with incredible professional skills and life experience that they have spent decades painstakingly cultivating. They have invested thousands of dollars in their unique combination of expertise that enables them to pinpoint their client’s challenges and transform their lives. And yet these amazing women are consistently undercharging for the VALUE that it brings.
This is why I have made it my own divine mission to support these incredible women – women of impact – to learn how to REFRAME and CLAIM their worth.
Women Of Impact
Gorgeous Woman,
This is a revolution of divine feminine worth… and it’s been coming for thousands of years. You are standing on the precipice of a paradigm shift so powerful that you will barely recognise yourself. And yet there you are. You were right there all along, underneath layers of conditioning, crappy life experiences and influencers that made you believe you weren’t enough.
And who you are is more than enough and always was. And you show the world this every day. It’s time YOU fully own it, claim it and finally know HOW to communicate it in a way that everybody else sees too.
Because I see you. And I will not stand for you accepting less for another day.
I’m here to help you radically transform the way you see yourself, your worth and develop the strategies, tools and systems to dramatically improve what you RECEIVE for what you give. It’s time to invoke the Law of Divine Compensation and sister, I’ve got your back.
I know you are passionate, generous and the sum of many parts. Pioneering. Soulful and intuitively led. I know you are energetically self-responsible and understand the journey of becoming. I know you have SO much to offer and are ready to cocreate and connect with those that need your unique medicine. And I know you’ve been through a lot to get here and you’re ready for more. Finally – you are about to receive it. Take one more step.
I Hold Space For Women Of Impact, So They Can Hold Space For Humanity
I Hold Space For Women Of Impact, So They Can Hold Space For Humanity
If you want to grow your income and impact…
…by using less time, effort and emotional energy, you need a completely new approach.
I’m talking about coming from a place of confidence, clarity and ease that will totally change how you do business – in all the right ways.
I’m talking about an approach that has already changed so many women’s lives and proven itself time and again.
Are you ready to discover how I help my clients leapfrog from lack to luxury? Are you ready to get comfortable with a whole new level of abundance in your life, finally able to give YOURSELF what you’ve been longing for, while amplifying your impact in the world?
Just Imagine…
- Selling your first $20K program Pay In Full and doubling your average project fees in weeks, like my client Amanda and going on to sign a $45K program within a couple of months
- Successfully launching your first 5-figure online course to impact 97 women around the globe, like Kylian
- Experiencing a dramatic energetic shift where her business supported her on all levels and selling 4 x $2.5K programs in one week, like Megan
- Scaling up your online presence and magnetism and selling two $2.7K programs in 2 weeks, like Helen
- Making your investment back in a few short weeks with the launch of your beta group program, like my client Erin
- Suddenly knowing how to package your life’s work into a high value program instead of $15 yoga classes, like Geraldine
- Doubling the price of your coaching program and selling the first one in weeks, like Tiffany
- After blowing $8K on a business program and getting nowhere, discovering your core essence and inspiration in only one session, like Mimi
How This Woman Of Impact Found Her Soul Spark
In my early 20s I got a job working for a cosmetics manufacturer. I’d studied a Business, Banking, Finance and International Trade degree and joined the sales team, developing our clients’ brands.
I loved my coworkers but the company was completely entrenched in the masculine way of business – pushing, forcing, DOing. Even though I became their top account manager, I found myself constantly fighting to justify my worth, and I couldn’t get past the feeling that selling more eyeliner wasn’t fulfilling my true potential or life’s purpose. I worked outrageous hours and spent the weekends partying to burn off the constant adrenaline. I was overweight, disconnected and deeply unfulfilled.
To the outside world, my life seemed glamorous, making beautiful products and traveling to Italy and throughout Asia. But one night in China after visiting one of our factories, I sat around a table where we each had our own ashtray (yup, I smoked), drinking beer and eating chicken that looked more like a shrivelled rat, and I thought, “My God, something has to change”.
Looking back, I had such poor self-awareness and self-worth. I would do anything to distract myself from the constant feelings of disempowerment, overwhelm and distress – the reality of my life. I looked for other jobs but nothing resonated. I felt trapped.
One day a lifeline came. My mother invited me to a business conference in India, and on that trip I had an epiphany. My life, my soul, my destiny was SO much bigger than this.
When I returned to Melbourne, everything seemed so grey. I realised how miserable I was. And so when two dear friends announced their move to Byron Bay, I jumped aboard and didn’t look back.
I thought my savings would last six months, but in only two months they were gone. Ever resourceful, I put together a CV and cover letter to see if I could help local businesses and boom – my own small business was born! I got my first client, being paid $25 per hour to do data entry. I was so frickin’ desperate, I took it.
And I built that business up to 5 figure months with a team of four but it was all grunt. I found myself once again working crazy hours and trading time for money. So, when I finally met my soul mate, things got messy; he wasn’t coping with my constant masculine state of control, stress and overwork. What manly man wants to date a man-woman? Not my partner! Who could blame him?
I realised I needed to move from my zone of excellence to my zone of genius.
I enrolled in Marie Forleo’s B-School, which is all about creating a business and life you love. I realised I did NOT love my business. So I created a new business I DID love. Make Space, Allow Grace was a coaching and personal development business, all about connecting to our divine feminine from a place of self-care and self-love. It was guided intuitively. I allowed myself to go deep into my feminine and creative sides.

I built a great brand and thousands of followers online. I put huge pressure on myself to create and sell coaching programs and gave myself deadlines for success. But my launches failed. Deep down I was still hiding. I was terrified to admit the truth. To go ALL in. And I still didn’t get the true value of my work. I could barely pay my bills or contribute towards the life goals my partner and I had set together. I felt like a failure.
Something had to change. I had to change. Take a leap. A risk. A total frickin’ 180.
I enrolled in a course that cost me $8K. It was the most I had EVER invested in my own development. It felt exhilarating. And totally terrifying. And when my partner found out, we had a fight so big I moved out for three months.
I needed a cocoon. I needed to transform, deeply heal and change the way I showed up in this world. I was done with playing small. I was done with waiting for permission. I knew I was on the right track. And as much as our separation deeply pained me, I knew I was doing the right thing for the future of my own life and my relationship.
I grew. And soon after the bud of Women Of Impact bloomed within me like a lotus flower. I just KNEW that THIS was my soul’s work. I had always been amazing at helping people make more money and impact in an easier way – just not MYSELF. What if I could do BOTH?!
I changed many things about the way I worked. It was so much LESS about DOING and MORE about BEING. I became magnetic, earning more by delivering more VALUE in less time. I stepped up as a leader… in a way that integrated my masculine AND my feminine, in my business and across my life.
And I now wholly and soully know that my gift is to tune into the deepest value of a woman’s soul and help her translate and ground that into a real world business that becomes the vehicle for her personal and global expression of power, prosperity and transformation.
In such a short-time my life has changed. I have never felt so happy and complete in my business and life. My clients are such DIVINE women that I adore and they are creating outrageously successful results. My partner and I are happily together once again and on track to our big plans for the future. And even though I hold space for so much and so many, I feel more ease and grace than ever before.
But most of all, what I have learned is totally teachable. I’m not a unicorn! And divine woman, I want this for you too.
Are you ready to discover this for yourself?
don’t leave without joining
our CEO Priestess Sisterhood
Copyright Prue Blennerhassett Women Of Impact 2022