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Women of Impact Disclaimers

Earnings Disclaimer

The information related to the earnings and results of our clients on this website and our related sites, as well as on all social media and other communication channels is represented accurately to the best of our ability.

There is no guarantee that you will receive similar results or any results. The results you achieve is dependent on a number of factors including but not limited to your skill, talent, abilities, health, attitude, circumstances, network and financial situation.

Because these factors are outside of our control, we cannot and do not guarantee your success or earning capacity. You alone are responsible for the actions you take and the results you achieve in business and life.

Any statements of a forward-looking nature on this website and our related sites, as well as on all social media and other communication channels are not guarantees or promises but simply our opinion. It should be clear to you that we are not making any guarantees about your results or earning capacity and that we are not providing any professional legal, financial, taxation or other advice.

Professional Advice Disclaimer

The information on this website and our related sites, as well as on all social media and other communication channels is for general information only.

It should not be taken as a substitute or replacement for advice from trained professionals in any field including but not limited to financial, tax, medical, psychological or legal. You should consider seeking independent legal, financial, taxation or other advice to check how the website information relates to your unique circumstances.

Prue Blennerhassett and Women of Impact is not liable for any loss caused, whether due to negligence or otherwise arising from the use of, or reliance on, the information provided directly or indirectly, by use of this website.

Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition. Never disregard the advice of a medical professional, or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this Website.

If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor, go to the nearest hospital emergency department, or call the emergency services immediately. If you choose to rely on any information provided by Prue Blennerhassett and or any representatives or suppliers of Women of Impact, you do so solely at your own risk.

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